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5 signs you might need a scooter sooner rather than later

  • By
  • 30 May 2024

Always wondered who a mobility scooter was actually for? Maybe you're curious about owning one, but not sure if you meet the criteria. Maybe you know that you need one, but are still weighing up the pros and cons.

We spoke to William, the head of our customer support team. William told us the main reasons why people decide now is the time to invest in a mobility scooter. 

1. You struggle to keep up with your daily routine 

Love it or hate it, having a routine can be a positive anchor in our daily lives. Multiple studies have shown that carrying out regular tasks and activities, whether social or necessary, can help keep our mental and physical health in check. 

Psychology Today explains that having personal organisation, and therefore knowing what to expect, gives you something to actively work towards. This can help you to feel protected and safe, removing many negative, mental obstacles.

Impaired mobility can cause you to lose momentum, and ultimately lose grip on your routine. A disrupted routine can result in stress and anxiety, as noted by The Journal of Global Health.

Slowly but surely, you might begin to struggle to keep up with the day. Popping to the shops may take longer than before, holding up your plans for the rest of the day. 

Even navigating your home can become an issue over time. Keeping the house clean and tidy may have fallen by the wayside. 

With a mobility scooter you can take back your day. Getting your mobility back on track allows you to move through your routine with total ease.

Conquer your to-do list, and find joy in the calm that your routine can bring to your mind.  

2. You rely on family & friends more than before

As society becomes more aware of inclusion and accessibility, the number of places and resources opening up to support those with mobility needs have grown. 

From Age UK’s brilliant search engine for local services and support, to TFL’s catalogue of accessible routes, guides and travel advice, help is abundant and usually free of cost. 

Whilst it's reassuring to know there is help available, sometimes it's important to know that you have enough independence to carry on with your day without help. 

If you find yourself leaning on others a lot more than before, then it might be time to consider a mobility scooter. This might ring especially true, if getting through the day feels impossible without another person there to support you. 

A mobility scooter can renew your sense of independence and help you glide through the day with ease. Rely less on others and enjoy your day, your way, once again.

The benefits of a mobility scooter can also extend to your loved ones. The safety and security that they provide can give your family and friends peace of mind - a priceless feeling.

3. Social events are less frequent & more stressful than before

Have you noticed a lot more blanks in your calendar? You might be avoiding a birthday party, or your weekly coffee catch ups with a friend. You might have stopped attending book club, or lending a hand at the community garden. 

Maybe you're spending more time at home, where it's easier to move around safely and stress-free.

If your mobility has begun to impact where you go, who you see and how you enjoy yourself, it's definitely time to invest in a mobility scooter. 

Reduce the anxiety of travelling to and from social events. Lighten the worry of needing a seat upon arrival or a time-out in between chats. Whatever your obstacle may be, a mobility scooter can help you overcome it, both mentally and physically.

Social connection is an important part of ageing healthily - don't let reduced mobility get in the way of fun and joy. If you feel like you've taken a step back recently, jump back in with your scooter by your side. Rebuild an active social life by checking out the notice boards at the supermarket or your local town and village halls. There's always plenty of activities and clubs to join.

Want to meet new people but also learn a new skill? Keep your mind sharp and engaged by checking out courses you can take (or even help teach!). These are usually well sign-posted at the library or your local U3A chapter. Learn from the comfort and security of your scooter and benefit from improved social interaction at the same time. 

4. A fear of falling is holding you back

Has your age or a medical condition left you feeling less steady on your feet? Maybe your walking stick or frame no longer feels as sturdy or reliable as it once did. 

You might have had a fall, and a loss of confidence has stopped you from carrying out everyday activities. If you live near cobbled, gravelled or uneven pathways, this will bring you even more anxiety. 

According to the NHS, falls are worryingly common yet frequently overlooked as a serious injury. Falls can lead to broken bones and time spent away from loved ones in hospital. They can cause complications and serious injury to the head, hip and spine. 

A fall can also leave you feeling withdrawn and anxious. It can be traumatic and impact how often you go out, if at all. The National Council on Aging encourages physiotherapy after a fall or surgery, to help regain not only your strength, but your confidence.  

The seriousness of a fall should not be undermined. If your mobility becomes impaired, or you feel even a slight unsteadiness on your feet, consider a mobility aid, such as a scooter.  

A mobility scooter offers a safe and stable mode of transport. It's agile yet powerful, nimble yet sturdy. It can restore your confidence and get you back outside.

Whether it's becoming more active, or simply enjoying everyday activities with ease, a scooter can move you forward, instead of holding you back. 

5. A health concern has impacted your everyday mobility

A common assumption about mobility scooters is that they are only for those with conditions that affect the movement and flexibility of limbs.

Whilst this is true for a small percentage of customers, the majority of people needing mobility support actually have a range of hidden disabilities. The UK government is keen to remind us that just because you can't always see a disability, this doesn't mean it does not exist.

You'd be surprised by how many health conditions can impact your mobility and overall movement. This can include reduced lung capacity or function. The inability to maintain strong, regular breaths can severely impact your mobility. According to the NHS, respiratory disease affects one in five people, having a huge effect on daily activities

Another condition that affects how someone breathes, is COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). According to the leading charity Asthma & Lung UK, those with COPD can become breathless very easily, impacting everything that they do.  

Conditions that cause fatigue can also play a huge role in how you go about your day. University College London highlights the severity of Myalgic encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), as well as Fibromyalgia. The university explains that these chronic conditions can dramatically impact daily functioning, with wide reaching effects not only on our physical health, but on our mental health too. 

Equally, pain can be truly debilitating and can hold you back from doing the things that you love. Both acute and chronic pain can stop you in your tracks, quite literally. A condition such as Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS), can affect connective tissue, causing pain, tiredness and frequent injury, according to the NHS. Ehlers-Danlos Support UK notes that this genetic condition can also be considered a hidden disability - making it even harder for those who suffer from it to carry on their day stress-free. 

With a scooter you can take the load off sore joints, aches and pains. You can conserve energy and feel safe in the supportive frame of a scooter. Mobility scooters allow you to travel further for longer, without feeling restricted, worried or rushed. 

You wont need to plan a route that involves regular pit stops, or cancel plans due to a painful flare up. Extend time with loved ones and avoid the anxiety and stress that can arise with a chronic condition when you use a mobility scooter.

William’s final thoughts 

The decision to invest in a mobility scooter varies from person to person. It might be due to an illness or sudden injury. But equally, your choice might be based on getting more happiness and fulfilment out of your day. 

Ultimately it comes down to your specific needs, lifestyle and preferences - and that's where we can help. 

Our expert team has decades of experience helping customers to choose the right scooter for them, for the right time of their life. 

If you're still unsure and need some friendly, practical advice, give us a call today.